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Maryland State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from MD, Democrat Chris Van Hollen or Republican Chris Chaffee?

On November 8, 2022, Maryland residents will be casting their ballots to elect their representatives in the U.S. Senate. The race is a contest between perennial candidate Chris Van Hollen of the Democratic Party and Republican nominee Chris Chaffee, who is hoping to unseat the incumbent Van Hollen.

Chris Van Hollen, born in 1959, is known for his tireless fights for the Marylanders, which have produced tangible results for the residents. He has demonstrated the character of a person who cannot be swayed by powerful special interests. Nonetheless, he presents himself as someone who stands to advance the interests of the public.  The Baltimore Sun at one time referred to him as “highly effective,” while the Washington Post described him as “a gifted legislator” as well as an individual who has “consistently earned a seat at the table where consensus might be forged.” When he first ran for public office, Van Hollen rode on the promise to get things done for Marylanders, as well as families that work everywhere.

Republican Chris Chaffee, born in 1961 in Syracuse, NY, on the other hand, is determined to unseat Van Hollen. This is not the first time Chris is presenting himself to Marylanders as their prospective senate representative; he did that during the 2016 and 2018 elections. Chris is a businessman and founder of a building and contracting business. He promises to address the most pressing challenges facing the country once elected. Chaffee also pledges to protect the Second Amendment rights, cut regulations on farmers and small businesses, get rid of the Affordable Care Act, defund Planned Parenthood, strengthen the military, and more.

The two candidates are hoping that they will find favor among the majority of Marylanders through the ballot and step foot in the U.S. Senate as the people’s representative.

The question for debate is, who is best fit to represent the people of Maryland in the U.S. Senate, Republican Chris Chaffe or Democrat Chris Van Hollen?

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