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New Hampshire State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from NH, Democrat Maggie Hassan or Republican Don Bolduc?

One office that’ll be getting a lot of attention in New Hampshire’s November 8, 2022 election is that of the U.S. Senate race. The two major candidates that are in the forefront of this contest are the Incumbent Democratic Senator, Maggie Hassan, and the Republican Party nominee, Don Bolduc.

Maggie Hassan has been in the Senate since 2017. Before that, she served as the governor of the state from 2013 to 2017. From 2004 to 2010, she was a member of the New Hampshire State Senate. She won her party’s primary election on September 13, 2022 by more than an 80% margin. Leveraging her bipartisan record and the fact that she supported a gas tax holiday through 2022, she’s seeking another term in office. If re-elected, she intends to continue championing the cause of veterans in the state, working towards modernizing America’s infrastructure, supporting small businesses in the state, and building a clean energy economy. She’s also dedicated to combating the substance abuse crisis, addressing college affordability, and promoting LGBTQ rights.

Don Bolduc is a retired Army brigadier general. He battled a crowded Republican primary scene to become the party’s official flag bearer in the senate race on September 13, 2022. Bolduc believes the coming election is, “…about the economy, fiscal responsibility and the safety and security of this nation.” If elected into office, his 5-point agenda involves strengthening U.S. borders, building a stronger economy, focusing on developing a strong domestic energy production system, defending the liberties of the American constitution, and building a strong world leadership.

With election day drawing ever closer in the Granite State, New Hampshirites have to decide, who would make a better representative to the Senate from New Hampshire, Democrat Maggie Hassan or Republican Don Bolduc?

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