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New Hampshire State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from NH, Democrat Maggie Hassan or Republican Don Bolduc?

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"Getting Honest Representation with Don Bolduc" Oct 03, 2022

The Granite State has to decide who’ll fill in as representative in the U.S. Senate come November 8, 2022. This race has only three contenders which is perhaps one reason why it’s so easy to see who should be heading to Washington D.C. to defend the interests of New Hampshirites for the next term. By all standards, the best pick remains Don Bolduc.

This decision is easy to make because not only does Bolduc appear a great fit for the position, it is obvious that Incumbent Senator Maggie Hassan cannot be allowed to hold the office longer than is absolutely necessary. One candidate is living in reality and is proffering real solutions to pressing problems while the other is being irresponsible and seems only interested in maintaining her hold on political power. You can guess which is which.

The American economy has been in a downward spiral for years and the advent of the pandemic only made things worse. But has Washington D.C. been doing what they should to get us back on track? The answer to that is an emphatic “no”. If anything, they’ve taken us in the opposite direction, worsening matters even more. The biggest example of this fact is that federal spending gets increasingly bloated with each passing year. No month passes without word of one new government bailout program or handout scheme. The current administration keeps spending as if the reserves of the nation are endless. It’s why the country can have a national debt of $31 trillion and no one in power seems bothered. But Bolduc is bothered, incredibly so. If given the mandate, he plans to take his get-things-done attitude to the U.S. Senate and make sure that spending packages only happen after corresponding cuts have been made. We cannot remain wasteful and expect that growth will come.

Just the same way that the current dispensation has been lax with the development of our economy, they’ve also dropped the ball massively when it comes to border security. It positively boggles the mind how we can say we have a functioning border yet literally millions of illegal immigrants keep finding their way in. And these numbers only keep rising. Rather than address this problem practically, they choose to make a conscious effort to do nothing and then go on to perpetrate lies that all is well on the border front. Those who are likening this situation to an invasion are not wrong. If the country doesn’t take decisive steps like hiring more border patrol agents and implementing E-Verify, tough times ahead are guaranteed. These decisive measures are what Bolduc intends to push for as New Hampshire’s senator.

If you’ve been wondering where Senator Hassan stands on all of this, you’re not alone. You only need to do some digging to find out that her allegiance isn’t to the people of the state. Rather, it’s to the evil masterminds actively undermining the nation in Washington D.C. That is why she can proudly endorse the Inflation Reduction Act, a legislation that is certain to shrink the economy further, leave thousands of Americans jobless and increase taxes on families and businesses significantly. Speaking of taxes, she also supported the employment of 87,000 more IRS agents. That move cost $80 billion and is almost expressly targeted at making the lives of working-class families even harder. In the same breath, she compromised border security as she refused to give her endorsement to a bill that would’ve helped hire 18,000 Border Patrol agents.

The incumbent senator is getting ready to sell the country from right under our feet. But that’ll happen only if we let it.

By voting for Bolduc, we’re not only voting in the solution but also voting out a big part of the problem. Enough is enough.

It’s time to give New Hampshire back to the people. It’s time to put someone who cares in office.

It’s time to vote Bolduc!

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