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New Hampshire State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from NH, Democrat Maggie Hassan or Republican Don Bolduc?

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"Hassan – Delivering the #Representation NH Needs" Sep 29, 2022

Once again, it’s time to elect who’ll be representing New Hampshire in the U.S. Senate. While elections are never to be taken lightly, the argument can be made that the people of the state have a relatively easy choice in front of them for this position, come November 8, 2022. With a track record that has been nothing short of outstanding, there’s no better pick on the ballot this midterm election year than Incumbent Senator Margaret Wood Hassan.

Maggie Hassan, as she’s fondly called by many of her constituents, has a tale that potential leaders who’re interested in good governance would do well to learn from. People who contest political positions, get elected, and start working for the masses are quite common. However, it’s far rarer for a person to take up championing the cause of the people before assuming an elected position. Hassan falls in the latter category.

Long before the thought of vying for a political position crossed her mind, Hassan had already been valiantly championing the cause of the less privileged. Her son was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at an early age and this opened her eyes to the harsh realities that many other children in a similar position faced. Rather than fold her arms and just go with convention, she decided to do everything she could to change that situation for the better. It was an uphill struggle but eventually, she succeeded. As she told NH1, “I ended up advocating a lot locally, and then at the State House… I don't think I would have run for office if I hadn’t been Ben's mother.” In another interview with Refinery 29, she went into greater detail, saying, “Our family was able to thrive because of all the people who fought to bring people like Ben in from the margins. That inspired me to advocate for others, and it was one of the reasons I ran for the state Senate and then for governor, and now for the United States Senate.”

As a U.S. Senator representing New Hampshirites, she’s defended the best interests of the state and the nation at large quite commendably. No matter what anyone else might say to condemn her, there’s one irrefutable fact about this dynamic individual; she isn’t one for half-measures when it comes to choosing between right and wrong.

She shows this streak candidly with the issue of climate change. Scientists have been clamoring about the dangers of climate change for what seemed like forever, yet the United States hadn’t taken any quantifiable steps to address the problem. Under the administration of President Joe Biden, things finally started to look up. Yet, there were still individuals who sought to undermine this effort. Senator Hassan stood up to these antagonists of progress at every point. She not only voted against the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline but she was also in support of stopping the drilling operations in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). She has also voiced her opposition to the expansion of natural gas production in the United States as she knows how devastating those efforts can be to the environment.

Hassan was also very instrumental in negotiating the bipartisan Infrastructure law, a bill that effectively secured more funding for the Granite State than jurisdictions like California and New York got. The resources gotten from this bill will help improve several areas of need in the state. It’ll help New Hampshirites get access to good and clean drinking water, repair roads, expand access to high-speed Internet, and invest in the clean energy infrastructure needed to save the planet.

With a strong player like Hassan on the board for New Hampshire, things will only continue to get better in the state.

She delivered tangible results when she served as a member of the state’s House of Representatives, she didn’t fail the people when she was governor and she keeps delivering win after win for New Hampshire as senator.

Let the good work continue.

Vote Maggie Hassan and ensure the unity and progress of this great state!

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