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Ohio State Issue

Who would make a better #representative to the #Senate from Ohio, Democrat Tim Ryan or Republican J.D. Vance?

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"Vance – On a Mission to Restore Ohio in the Senate" Oct 19, 2022

One of the most profound chapters in Ohio’s recent history closed with Incumbent Senator Rob Portman’s decision to not seek re-election. However, as Ohioans mourn the exit of leadership that they’ve come to know and implicitly trust, the glaring question of who will replace the outgoing senator looms greatly. And this is a question that must be answered decisively on November 8, 2022. While it’s tough to see anyone really .

If the United States of America has one problem right now, it’s that we’ve become more focused on saying the right things rather than actually doing them. And when an organization is tough with words but reluctant to follow up with doing what’s necessary, its demise is inevitable. If nothing else, the mastermind behind the bestseller “Hillbilly Elegy” understands this point intimately.

It’s why he can point to Youngstown as a case study of what goes wrong when those in a position to influence things talk tough but do nothing. America’s slow but steady decline in production power hit various parts of the country, no one can argue that fact. However, one of the places that felt this deterioration most keenly was Youngstown. Over the last two decades alone, this place has lost more than 50,000 jobs and with that, the potential for many families to fend for themselves better than they currently do. What is particularly sad about this is that the person who was supposed to the guarding this place but chose to betray it, Tim Ryan, feels he deserves the support of Ohioans to enter the U.S. Senate.

Vance had this to say on the issue, “My hometown of Middletown, Ohio is full of great people, and it has one of the highest citizenship rates in the country—nearly every person who lives there is a US citizen. Yet it has a poverty rate 15 percent higher than the national average. In many of our biggest cities, even right here in Ohio, drive around and you’ll see homeless encampments and trash strewn everywhere. Crime has skyrocketed, and even many successful families find it harder to get ahead. Every day, we read about a new assault on our country: from the Chinese who are stealing from American industry, or from our own “leaders” who teach our kids to hate their own country. Why is this happening? For a simple reason: our leaders have failed.” He further added, “Our parents and grandparents gave us the most prosperous nation in the world, and our leaders have chosen decline and plunder. But under our Constitution, We the People have the power, and it’s time we used it to fight back.”

That is the voice of sanity, the voice of clarity, the voice of someone who’s fed up with talking and is prepared to do something to change this dire situation for the better.

With Vance leading the charge in the U.S. Senate, our nation can put excessive spending and inflation behind us. We can start harnessing the natural reserves God blessed this country with right here at home and revitalize America’s manufacturing base.

But it all starts with one bold step; the decision to let the right man take the mantle of leadership when November comes.

Let’s restore Ohio together. Let’s put the state in the most capable hands. Let’s vote for Vance!

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