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Oregon State Issue

Who would make a better #representative to the #Senate from Oregon, Democrat Ron Wyden or Republican Jo Rae Perkins?

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"Ron Wyden – Oregon’s Beacon of Hope" Oct 06, 2022

November 8, 2022, will be a defining moment for Oregonians. One of the most important reasons for this is that they’ll yet again have to choose who’ll represent the state as a member of the U.S. Senate. And while four names will be appearing on the ballot this time around, the people of Oregon have just one practical option: Ron Wyden.

Numerous elements contribute to the fact that Ron is Oregon’s best hope in the coming general elections, just as he has been ever since he was first elected to the chamber back in 1996.

Taking a closer look at the political profile of this senator running for re-election, the first thing that becomes abundantly clear is that he’s not as inclined to blindly follow the agenda of his party. Even after spending nearly two decades in the U.S. Senate, Ron is yet to fall prey to the chaos of Washington, D.C. So far, every step he’s taken has been clearly to serve the best interests of the state that he loves and cherishes.

For this reason, improving the standard of living in Oregon has always been a major priority for Ron. That’s why he was one of the very first to welcome the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. In his words, "I’ve said for a long time, you can't have a big league economy with little league infrastructure. And today Oregon and the American West will finally get the significant investments needed to deal with catastrophic wildfires and severe drought, build back hard-hit rural economies, improve access to public transit and make sure clean drinking water is a right for everyone." 

Ron also happens to be one of the precious few in the Senate that hasn’t bought into the oppressive agenda of big corporate. He understands that too many middle-class families are getting crushed under the weight of the fast-rising cost of living in the country. And that’s why he got active, and introduced legislation that would overhaul the energy tax code and seal several loopholes millionaires have been exploiting till now. With regards to introducing this legislation, Ron had this to say, “The federal tax code is woefully inadequate to address today’s energy challenges. It’s a hodgepodge of temporary credits, anchored by advantages for Big Oil, that don’t effectively move us toward the goals of reducing carbon emissions or lowering electricity bills for American families. It’s time to kick America’s carbon habit, and that means a complete transformation of the tax code to reward clean electricity, transportation, and conservation.”

This outstanding individual has also been very active in the education sector as well. As a former educator himself, he understands how the system works intimately so he knew where to get started fixing the problem. Two key areas he has focused his attention on are relieving the crushing weight of student debts and reducing the cost of going to college. 

Looking at all of this and the better future that Ron promises on several other key issues, why shouldn’t the people of Oregon let this senator continue his good work?

Ron has conclusively proven that he’s well-equipped to tackle the problems of the state head-on. That level of commitment, expertise, experience, and dedication is just what the state needs in these trying times.

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