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South Dakota State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from South Dakota, Democrat Brian Bengs or Republican John Thune?

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"Even After a Decade Thune is Still SD’s Best Hope" Oct 22, 2022

As South Dakotans head to the ballot box on November 8, 2022, it’s important to remember how far we’ve come and the forces that have been principal in supporting us to ensure our progress. South Dakota needs to once again elect a vocal voice for the people at the floor of the United States Senate. And, once again, it’s Incumbent Senator John Thune who looks most fit to bear this responsibility.

Having served nobly in the U.S. Senate since 2005, he has one clear edge over the two other names on the ballot box, and that’s the fact that he has a history of listening to his constituents and standing firm in the face of the corruption that has pervaded Washington D.C.

These days, it’s hard to point at one politician who isn’t constantly flip-flopping and going back on their word. While this might have been acceptable in the old days, recent events have made all of that a luxury that we can not afford.

Take gun rights for example. On the Incumbent Senator’s official website, you’ll find the words, “I strongly support the Second Amendment, which protects ‘the right of the people to keep and bear arms.’ While others may disagree, I firmly believe the plain language of the Second Amendment guarantees the individual right of law-abiding citizens to own firearms.  This must include robust due process protections to guard against any policies that would suspend or curtail someone's lawful Second Amendment right. Firearms have long been a part of the history and culture of South Dakota. Like many South Dakotans, I have a deep respect and appreciation for firearms, hunting, and the outdoors, which was instilled in me from a young age. Responsible use of firearms for sporting purposes and personal protection are valued components of South Dakota’s heritage, ones that support important hunting and tourism industries and protect our personal liberties.” Senator Thune meant every word he said.

How can anyone be sure? Because he was one of the scant few who stood their ground in June 2022 and refused to concede even an inch of our gun rights. True to his word, Thune opposed the proposal to necessitate a national background check for gun owners, enforcing red flag laws, and tightening the noose around gun dealers. He wouldn’t even entertain a discussion on the matter. He knew that if he did, he’d be compromising the principles that the Founding Fathers stood for. That’s how much American values mean to him.

And then there’s his commitment to promoting agricultural development in the state. He highlighted some of the critical challenges the sector was experiencing in South Dakota, saying, “[Right now] it’s just these chronic low prices and this sort of rut that we’re in. Inputs continue to go up. Prices stay down for a long time and so there’s no margin in agriculture right now. Probably, the biggest challenge going forward is how do we open up more markets to American agriculture and that means lowering tariff and nontariff barriers with countries like Japan and China and other areas of Asia. There’s a tremendous demand for the things that we raise and grow and we just have to get access to those markets. So, it’s about opening markets and again I come back, not only about exports and trade, but it’s also value added agriculture, that’s ethanol, biodiesel, soybean processing, dairy all the things we can do to create jobs and economic activity as a result of the things we raise and grow here in the state.” But he didn’t just leave it at that. Thune got working on the bipartisan Farm Bill, personally including twelve provisions that would help curtail the issues farmers in the state were facing. Even now, he’s still in talks with farmers, trying to see how things could be made better than they are.

And we’ve not even talked about his valiant efforts in defending biofuel use and the thousands of jobs that come with it, his defense of national security, and the various ways the quality of education has improved in the state thanks to Thune.

So if it isn’t broken, why fix it?

Thune has been doing his job and he has been doing it quite diligently.

What he needs now is the support of the people to make sure he has a platform through which he can continue his service.

Support continuity.

Support proper and efficient representation.

Vote for Senator John Thune in November!

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