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South Dakota State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from South Dakota, Democrat Brian Bengs or Republican John Thune?

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"Brian Bengs is Bringing Democracy to South Dakota" Oct 05, 2022

Voters in South Dakota are waiting on the edge of their seats for November 8, 2022. This time, just maybe, South Dakotans will be able to slightly erode the corruption and heedlessness that has become a core part of the state’s current representatives in the U.S. Senate. As to who’ll lead the SD down the path of recovery and restoration, it can be none other than Brian Bengs.

Bengs isn’t pretending to have all the answers. He has been an Independent his entire life and is only contesting on the platform of the Democratic Party in the state because it’s a constitutional requirement. When interviewed on the 25th of May, 2022, one of the first things he said was, “I am not a politician and did not plan on running for office, but after seeing John Thune essentially brush aside the severity of the January 6th attacks, I could not let him run unopposed. I also believe that our democracy functions at its best when the people are given a choice as to who they want representing them.” Bengs is just like every other South Dakotan who’s been keeping tabs on things and is worried about the direction matters are headed.

Unlike the Incumbent Senator John Thune, Bengs is planning to take the right path to the U.S. Senate and doesn’t mind doing things the hard way to achieve this goal. Every single page on his campaign website reads the firm pledge, “I won't accept one red cent from Big Pharma or any other corporate PAC. It’s time to get dark money out of politics.” With these words alone, he gives us a much-needed assurance that at least for now, he isn’t compromised and will likely be a very tough senator to buy if elected. Considering how many times Senator Thune has unabashedly betrayed the will of South Dakota, an honest candidate like Bengs is a true breath of fresh air.

What’s more, because he’s not compromising his integrity on the way to office, he can give the fight for democracy the level of attention and concentration that it needs in the U.S. Senate. Big Money will not be able to pressure him into representing his constituency poorly like it has many senators before him. As every other American can clearly see, the goals of mega-corporations are almost always to the detriment of regular people. Bengs has identified this core issue. Hence, he'll not take any bait that will conflict with his ideals of representative democracy.

Bengs is also laying out something that every working-class American eventually comes to realize; the very rich keep getting away without paying their fair share in taxes. While it’s next to impossible for a middle-class citizen to get away with paying lower tax rates, wealthy and affluent individuals and corporations ensure they make considerable investments in politics so that legislators can “cut them some slack.” The immediate impact of this is not only that the burden of paying taxes weighs more heavily on average families but it also leads to loss of funding. This is funding that’s actually crucial to the maintenance of public infrastructure. In the end, it’s why the country keeps falling further and further behind when it comes to education and infrastructure. In truth, many senators probably see this problem distinctly too. However, they’ve been rendered incapable of speaking because they’re already in too deep. But Bengs is clean as a whistle and he's more than ready to fight for what’s fair.

Bengs is also very eager to push for advancements in the economy and job creation. The U.S. is getting bigger and it needs to match that increase in population with a significant rise in employment opportunities. Bengs knows how to get us on this path and he knows how to do it efficiently.

Because of this, there’s every reason to trust this individual. He sees the system for what it truly is and is amply prepared to make it better.

A vote for Bengs is a vote to bring big bold solutions to long-standing issues.

So, vote Bengs in November and free South Dakota!

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