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Wisconsin State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from WI, Democrat Mandela Barnes or Republican Ron Johnson?

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"Barnes – Voting for the Right Change in Wisconsin" Oct 13, 2022

Wisconsin will be getting a lot of attention when November 8, 2022, finally comes around. Like several other states, voters in this jurisdiction will be tasked with electing who’ll go to represent them in the U.S. Senate for the next six years. Although three names will be featuring on the ballot for who’ll be the next U.S. Senator this midterm election year, Wisconsinites only really have to choose between a two-term incumbent senator who has failed the people on several levels and a progressive-minded individual who believes that the state can travel down a better path.

For me, Lt. Mandela Barnes who represents the latter option is by far the better choice on any day. This isn’t just about the fact that Senator Ron Johnson has chosen to ally himself with his party to the detriment of his constituents. Rather, it’s because, this time around, Mandela Barnes just has a better, clearer message on every level.

Even before he officially won the nomination of the Democratic Party to contest as their candidate for senator of the state, he was hitting the nail right on the head with his thoughts and words. Because he comes from a side of the fence that had little next to nothing, he can more readily empathize with the plight of the average Wisconsinite. As he said in one of his ads then, “Most senators couldn’t tell you the cost of a gallon of milk. Or how much beef has gone up this year. I’m not like most senators, or any of the other millionaires running for Senate.” Even at the best of times, the incumbent senator could never really connect with the people of the state and the communication gap has only gotten wider over time. Wisconsin is where it is today largely because of this. Barnes as U.S. Senator will change that dynamic. He won’t so easily forget what it means to struggle to live and he’ll be driven by that motivation to make our lives better.

One truly commendable thing about this individual is that he isn’t afraid to go up against the institution and say the truth, even if it isn’t what everyone wants to hear. Where others might have tried to hide their progressive background to appear more appealing to a larger number of voters, Barnes has worn his ideology proudly and remains committed to using them to further the interests of the people.

That’s why he can talk about critical issues that the incumbent senator avoids like the plague. With Barnes serving as the states’ eyes, ears, and voice in the U.S. Senate, there’s actually a real hope of revival for the working families in Wisconsin. Not only is he planning to bring back manufacturing to the state but he also intends to invest more heavily in family farms.

On his official website, he stated, “Elected officials are supposed to listen and be accountable to the voters who elected them. But today, corruption, special interest influence, and polarization have stalled progress on common-sense issues that the vast majority of Americans support; from lowering the cost of healthcare and prescription drugs, to investing in local jobs and infrastructure, to tackling climate change and tax fairness. Meanwhile, wealthy corporations and special interests subvert the will of the voters by spending millions in dark money to influence elections and elected officials.”

The sad truth of the matter is that things can’t continue as they are in Wisconsin; everyone realizes that. But it’s not about just pushing for any change. As a people, we have to go for the right change and that’s why Barnes is such an appealing candidate right now.

He doesn’t sugarcoat things and goes right to the heart of the matter. That kind of individual in the Senate just might be enough to shake things up and get stuff done.

We’ve already seen how far Johnson can take us. Let’s vote for Barnes in November and get real representation for a change!

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