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Wisconsin State Issue

Who would make a better representative to the #Senate from WI, Democrat Mandela Barnes or Republican Ron Johnson?

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"Johnson Has the Experience to Deliver Wisconsin" Oct 26, 2022

So much has happened in Wisconsin and America over the past few years. And, should this trend continue (there’s no reason to assume it won’t) we have yet more to deal with. That’s why I believe that when it comes to choosing who’ll stand as the representative of the state in the U.S. Senate, experience and a track record of delivering results should be key determinants. It’s also why, on November 8, 2022, I’ll be voting for Incumbent Senator Ronald Harold Johnson.

To be clear, most Wisconsinites know that it’s not always very easy to assess the performance of a senator in office. This is often because of the unique way that proceedings are executed in the U.S. Senate. However, we’re blessed because, even with that, we still have conclusive evidence that Senator Ron Johnson is delivering for us.

Where else is the state going to find someone who can successfully write and support 164 bills to approval through the Senate? Or write 17 major reports and nearly 2,000 oversight letters?

Johnson did all of that only in one term too. It’s one of the reasons I was so pleased to hear him declare that he intended to run for reelection. Wisconsin just can’t afford to lose leadership of his caliber. I was even happier the senator was on the November ballot when I saw the crop of candidates who were vying to replace him in the office.

Setting aside the abundance of problems that these other candidates have, none of them have the vision that Johnson has to improve the lives of Americans. And, instead of looking to address this problem speedily, they’ve opted to take the easy route to the office and pander to division among everyday people.

Politics or not, the fact remains that the economy of Wisconsin took a huge hit when COVID-19 struck. Despite the best efforts of Senator Johnson and the assistance he has been able to rally for us from the Senate, there’s no denying that we still have a long way to go. However, we CAN get there if we set our priorities right. But how many other candidates have even made this an issue apart from Johnson? The covert signal they’re sending about this is that they don’t care how the working class survives; it’s up to us to fend for ourselves.

There’s also the serious issue of illegal immigration ravaging the country and compromising our national security. What have any of the other candidates said about this? Could it be that they believe that the Vice President was correct when she said all was well at the border? Do they even care either way? The election is around the corner and yet we still don’t have answers to these questions.

In either case, one thing is certain; if Wisconsin gets it wrong in November, we’ll all feel the brunt of that decision for the next six years. That’s a long sentence to serve for not paying attention to the right things at the right time.

The incumbent senator is not perfect, that much we all know. But there can be no question that everything he does is for the people. He hears us and goes on the offensive in Washington D.C. to keep the state and America strong and he’s done that since Day One.

He deserves the vote of every well-meaning Wisconsinite and what’s more, we deserve to continue getting the benefit of his efficiency in the U.S. Senate.

Let’s choose safety, progress, and prosperity in the coming election. Let’s vote for Johnson.

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