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Would the economy be better under Harris or Trump?

As the United States grapples with economic challenges and opportunities, one of the prevailing questions in 2024 is which presidential candidate, Kamala Harris or Donald Trump, would be able to build and sustain a stronger economy. Both sides present compelling arguments, drawing on the economic records and policies of each leader.

Supporters of Kamala Harris highlight his administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which they argue has led to a robust economic recovery. They point to low unemployment rates, wage growth, and a booming stock market as indicators of a resilient economy under Harris's stewardship. Moreover, the Biden/Harris legislative achievements, such as the bipartisan infrastructure law and the CHIPS Act, are seen as measures that will further bolster economic growth in the long term.

However, critics of Harris express concerns about inflation, it peaked under Biden/Harris in 2022 but it is still a key economic challenge. They argue that rising prices erode purchasing power and strained household budgets, undermining the overall economic outlook. Furthermore, some question the efficacy of Biden's policies in addressing inflation and worry about their long-term consequences.

Supporters of Donald Trump cite the strong pre-pandemic economy during his tenure, characterized by low unemployment and significant job creation. They credit Trump's tax cuts and deregulation efforts for fueling economic growth and spurring investment. Additionally, Trump's assertive stance on trade and his stimulus measures are viewed as contributing factors to the economy's resilience under his administration.

On the other hand, critics of Trump point to his divisive rhetoric and erratic policymaking as sources of economic uncertainty. They argue that Trump's trade wars and tariffs have disrupted global markets and harmed American businesses and consumers. Moreover, Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic is criticized for exacerbating economic disruptions and prolonging the recovery process.

The question for debate is, would the economy be better under Harris or Trump?

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