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Would the economy be better under Harris or Trump?

Score for this "Trump" opinion : 9.2

"The economy would be better under Trump" Aug 07, 2024

As the 2024 elections draw near, the American voter is reaching a turning point in determining the nation’s economic future. Amid the partisan divides and political fervor, one essential question cannot be ignored: Which candidate carries the vision and adequate experience to drive the American economy toward prosperity? Donald Trump's past track record clearly indicates that he has what it takes to drive the country's economy in the right direction.

From the outset, it is essential to recognize the indisputable impact of Trump's economic programs during his tenure as president. A primary aspect of his administration's initiatives was the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), a landmark law that reduced corporate tax rates and provided relief to individual taxpayers. This step boosted the economy and encouraged consumption, job growth, and investment. The impact was evident: the nation witnessed a booming stock market and historically low unemployment levels, which are clear indicators of a thriving economy.

Although Trump's critics may try to downplay his achievements, the data speaks for itself. The TCJA triggered massive economic growth that propelled the nation to unprecedented wealth. Low tax rates encouraged company growth, which resulted in more employment opportunities. Additionally, individual tax cuts enhanced household income, stimulating demand in all industries and consumer spending. The economic expansion during Trump's tenure benefited business owners, employees, and investors equally.

In addition, Trump deserves commendation for his dedication to deregulation. During his tenure, the administration reduced bureaucratic red tape and streamlined regulations, which enhanced the economic environment. This pro-business stance propelled innovation, liberated the spirit of entrepreneurship, and sparked economic vitality. Businesses in the technology and banking industries realized that they were free from onerous regulations and could now actively seek development prospects.

Trump has also pledged to boost the U.S. economy as part of his 2024 election economic ambitions. He intends to level the playing field for U.S. industry by placing tariffs on imports and reducing reliance on Chinese imports, all while focusing on expanding productivity. These policies target bolstering domestic manufacturing and creating employment.

Additionally, Trump plans to cut individual and corporate taxes significantly, which will be paid for by tariff income. Trump promises to enhance consumer spending, entrepreneurship, and investment by reducing the tax burden and fostering economic development. His promise to continue his initial tax plan guarantees ongoing assistance for enterprises and individuals.

Among Trump's top priorities in energy policy are reducing energy prices and enhancing domestic production of fossil fuels. He hopes to improve national security and increase job opportunities through initiatives like tax rebates for gas, oil, and coal producers.

On the other hand, President Biden's administration's economic picture seems murky. Although Trump handed Biden a solid economy, his efforts to regulate and increase taxes threaten past progress. High corporate taxation exposes businesses' development and plans to uncertainty. Also, strict regulations in sectors such as environmental policy may limit innovation and hinder economic progress. Policies the Harris administration is sure to continue.

An appropriate depiction of this mismatch is evident in the energy sector. The U.S.'s journey to energy independence gained momentum under Trump's deregulation and fossil fuel production-friendly policies. However, Biden's focus on climate change and renewable energy poses a threat to established energy industries, which might threaten employment and the economy's stability in areas that rely upon the production of gas, oil, and coal.

Again, Biden's planned spending appetite raises concerns over inflation, the ability to service debt, and the economy's long-term viability. Although it is undeniably necessary to fund social programs and infrastructure, the amount of suggested money raises questions and concerns. Prudent fiscal management is crucial to keeping inflation from threatening to deplete American citizens' purchasing power and jeopardize economic stability.

When the U.S. considers its alternatives for the 2024 elections, prosperity and good economic stewardship must come first. With his established record of supporting deregulation, low taxes, and pro-business policies, Donald Trump is the obvious choice for those who fear the direction of the U.S. economy. Trump's daring leadership and steadfast dedication to economic growth present an appealing vision for a prosperous America.

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