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Following Users

Taylor White(taylorwhite)
Harpers Ferry, WV
24 Years Old

"Strong men made America great"

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Scott Sandoval(scotts)
Nashville, TN
Male – 24 Years Old

"I feel like I was born into the wrong generation."

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Leilani Mayer(leilanim)
Ozark, MO
She/Her – 35 Years Old

"YES #BLM. I can't believe this is even a question."

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Brandon Mann(beamann)
Omaha, NE
Male – 41 Years Old

"Don't put your opinions on me, I'm on my own"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Lilliana Jacobs(lillianaj)
Boulder, CO
Female – 45 Years Old

"2021 is going to be like The Day After Tomorrow"

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Lets Be AntiRacist(letsbeantiracist)
Milwaukee, WI
They/Them – 32 Years Old

"Don't be other words a "jackass""

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Randy OrtonFan(randyortonfan)
Seattle, WA

"Who wants an RKO?"

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Brent Mcintyre(coolguybrent)
Newport, RI
Male – 45 Years Old

"The Media lies! Don't be a sheep, find the truth!"

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Donna Johanson(donnajohnson)
Seattle, WA
Female – 35 Years Old

"Social media has ruined discourse"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Dorothy James(dorothyjames)
Seattle, WA
Female – 35 Years Old

"Perserverance is key. "

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
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