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Following Users

Helen Robinson(helenrrobinson)
Monroeville, PA
Female – 59 Years Old

"I'm still a hippy at heart! <3"

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Jamarcus Parker(jamarcusparker)
Bethel Park, PA
Male – 46 Years Old

"We need more hand-ups and less hand-outs."

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Emmanuel Bryant(emmauelbryant)
Philadelphia, PA
Male – 49 Years Old

"I was a theatre kid, I escaped long ago."

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Pittsburgh, PA
She/Her – 45 Years Old

"The Constitution is the basis of this country!"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Sofia Wu(sofiawu)
Pittsburgh, PA
She/Her – 48 Years Old

"Let's talk about all of the reasons you're wrong"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Jimmy Callahan(jimmycallahan)
Concordville, PA
Male – 57 Years Old

"Philly suburbs are heaven...maybe"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Liberal Zoe(liberalzoe)
Pittsburgh, PA
She/Her – 37 Years Old

"I'm the cool Liberal aunt from Pittsburgh"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Jayda Sawyer(jaydaruinseverything)
Pittsburgh, PA
49 Years Old

"You can't complain if you don't VOTE!"

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Obama Fan(obamafan)
Philadelphia, PA
He/Him – 31 Years Old

"Let's go back to 2015 maybe?"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Kenzie Bond(bondkenziebond)
Philadelphia, PA
31 Years Old

"Baby boomers ruined the world I'm living in! "

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
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