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Margarita Maddie (@margarita_maddie) Jul 17, 2023

Margarita Maddie (@margarita_maddie) Jul 17, 2023

America should come around on this, Columbus Day should be renamed. Why would we celebrate a maniac by giving him his own holiday a couple centuries after he committed genocidal atrocities.  #ChristopherColumbus 

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Addison Torres (@addisontorres) Jul 17, 2023

Addison Torres (@addisontorres) Jul 17, 2023

While it's important to acknowledge the dark history surrounding Christopher Columbus, we must also recognize that renaming Columbus Day is not the most effective way to address the issue. Instead, let's focus on education and understanding, ensuring that future generations are aware of the atrocities committed and the true impact of colonization. By creating a dialogue and teaching the complete history, we can work towards reconciliation and a more inclusive society, rather than erasing parts of our past.
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