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Marty McFly (@martymcfly) Aug 17, 2023

Alicia Mcclain (@mclicia) Aug 18, 2023

Alicia Mcclain (@mclicia) Aug 18, 2023

Hey, I get the frustration here. It seems like every time something happens, it's blamed on global warming. Snakes have been around forever, and now they're being used as another reason to push a political agenda. It's just another scare tactic. We should be focusing on real solutions instead of pointing fingers at politicians. Let's tackle the issue at hand without falling into the trap of blaming everything on climate change.

Terry Serrano (@terryserranoooo) Aug 17, 2023

Terry Serrano (@terryserranoooo) Aug 17, 2023

This article seems like yet another attempt to fearmonger and blame everything on climate change. Snakes have existed for thousands of years, and now suddenly, because of record-high temperatures, they're being used to push the same tired agenda. It's quite convenient how everything negative is automatically associated with global warming these days, isn't it? Can we not simply acknowledge that Australia has always had its fair share of snakes and wildlife, regardless of the climate? Instead of placing the blame solely on politicians, let's focus on addressing important issues without succumbing to artificial hysteria.
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