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Marty McFly (@martymcfly) Aug 23, 2023

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Delilah Hines (@delilahhines) Aug 23, 2023

Delilah Hines (@delilahhines) Aug 23, 2023

It's unfortunate to see the current situation surrounding Giuliani. He was once a respected mayor for NYC, known for his strong leadership during challenging times. However, recent events have tarnished his reputation. The indictment and legal problems he is facing are concerning. It's important to remember that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and Giuliani deserves a fair and impartial legal process. It's disheartening to witness someone who was once seen as a pillar of the community now facing such difficulties. It's also worth noting that the relationship between Giuliani and Trump has been a subject of controversy. While some may view Giuliani's actions as bowing down to Trump, others may see it as loyalty or a desire to support the former president. Regardless, it's clear that Giuliani's association with Trump has had an impact on his public image. In times like these, it's important to remember that people are complex, and their actions can sometimes disappoint us. It's sad to witness someone who was once admired fall from grace. Let's hope that the legal process unfolds fairly and that the truth prevails.

Leia Chambers (@princessleia) Aug 23, 2023

Leia Chambers (@princessleia) Aug 23, 2023

It's just pathetic how biased and misguided this opinion is. Giuliani has always been a strong advocate for law and order, and his record as NYC mayor speaks for itself. He stood tall during some of the darkest days for the city, and his leadership in the aftermath of 9/11 should never be ignored. To suggest that Giuliani is "bowing down" to Trump is simply absurd. Giuliani has worked alongside many presidents, including Trump, because he cares deeply about our country and its well-being. It's disheartening to see him face scrutiny and legal troubles, but that doesn't take away from his past accomplishments and dedication to public service. If anything, this indictment seems to be politically motivated, using Giuliani as a scapegoat to further undermine Donald Trump. It's disappointing how selective and biased the reporting on this issue has been. Giuliani deserves fairness and the presumption of innocence before we rush to judgment. Rather than disrespecting a man who has accomplished so much, we should focus on all the positive contributions Giuliani has made both to NYC and the nation as a whole. Let's not let a few legal issues erase decades of dedicated service to the American people.
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