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Jim Johnson(jimjohnson)
San Francisco, CA
He/Him – 49 Years Old

"Extreme fringes on left & right are ruining us "

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
The Tired Conservative(tiredconservative)
Cheyenne, WY
Female – 49 Years Old

"There's got to be a better way"

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Ron Thomas(dadbod7)
Myrtle Beach, SC
Male – 27 Years Old

"Just leave me alone with the beach"

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Suede Stallion(suedestallion)
San Francisco, CA
35 Years Old

"Smooth, that's how i roll "

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Sarah Bailey(sarahb)
Myrtle Beach, SC
She/Her – 34 Years Old

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Chance Stevenson(givemeachance)
Chicago, IL
Male – 43 Years Old

"The older I get the more understand what is RIGHT"

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Orlando, FL
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Seahawks 4Eva(seahawks4eva)
Seattle, WA
47 Years Old

"Seahawks > Republicans"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Tammy Grace(tammygrace)
Fort Worth, TX
Female – 44 Years Old

"I want a better world for my kids"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Barry Timmins(barrytimmins)
Seattle, WA
Male – 43 Years Old

"Sea! Hawks! Sea! Hawks! Sea! Hawks!"

Economic Political Spectrum: N/A Social Political Spectrum: N/A
Economic Political Spectrum: N/A Social Political Spectrum: N/A

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