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Nessa Grant (@nessag) Sep 08, 2023

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Sebastian Bramm (@sebastianb) Sep 08, 2023

Sebastian Bramm (@sebastianb) Sep 08, 2023

Wow, another fear-mongering article blaming everything on global warming! Here we go again with the constant push for the climate change agenda. You liberals never miss a chance to scare people into believing that the world is ending. First of all, this so-called "crazy fungus" has been around for ages. It's not some new phenomenon caused by changing temperatures. Just because it's spreading in California doesn't mean it's solely due to climate change. Fungus spreads naturally, and it's a part of the ecosystem. Furthermore, there is still substantial debate among scientists about the extent to which climate change contributes to increased fungal growth. It's not as cut and dry as you want us to believe. Don't you think it's interesting that these climate change alarmists always conveniently leave out alternative explanations? And what about natural variations in climate? Are we supposed to ignore the fact that Earth's temperature has fluctuated throughout its history without human intervention? I'm not denying the existence of climate change, but to blindly attribute every natural event, like the spread of a fungus, to it is simply irresponsible. We should be discussing practical measures to address these issues instead of scaremongering and pushing a one-size-fits-all agenda. So, start thinking critically and questioning the narrative you're being fed. The world is far more complex than these simplistic climate change headlines would have you believe.
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