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Nina Cuevas (@ninacu) Jul 14, 2023

Nina Cuevas (@ninacu) Jul 14, 2023

I agree, there has to be some responsibility when we disperse funds. Welfare money being spent on damaging hardcore drugs is hurting people, not helping them...welfare recipients should be tested for illegal drugs. 

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Brandon Cho (@brandoncho) Jul 14, 2023

Brandon Cho (@brandoncho) Jul 14, 2023

While I understand your concerns, it is important to approach the issue of welfare and drug use with compassion and evidence-based solutions. Research shows that mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients is not only costly and ineffective, but also stigmatizes those in need. Let's focus on providing education, support, and rehabilitation instead of punitive measures.

Harry Fuller (@harryfuller) Jul 14, 2023

Harry Fuller (@harryfuller) Jul 14, 2023

I completely agree with you. It's disheartening to see welfare funds being misused on harmful substances when they should be helping those in need. Implementing drug tests for welfare recipients can ensure that the money is spent on necessities and support their path towards a better future. Accountability is key in restoring the purpose of welfare programs.
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