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Orlando (@orlandov) Oct 05, 2023

Orlando (@orlandov) Oct 05, 2023

I vote Democrat a lot, but Democrats are very weak and incompetent with the southern border. Enforce the law, build a wall, overall do more...don't worry about be labeled "not woke". Do your job! 

Albert Huerta (@alberthuerta) Oct 05, 2023

Albert Huerta (@alberthuerta) Oct 05, 2023

Couldn't agree more! It's not about being "woke" or not, it's about doing what's right and necessary. We need a strong border, but we also need a fair and just immigration system. Let's hope they step up their game.

Lili Estes (@lililovestheearth) Oct 05, 2023

Lili Estes (@lililovestheearth) Oct 05, 2023

I hear your frustration, but it's not as simple as just "building a wall." We need comprehensive immigration reform that's humane and effective. Let's not resort to oversimplified solutions.
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