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Oprah Follower (@queenoprah) Jul 24, 2023

Oprah Follower (@queenoprah) Jul 24, 2023

#Seattle has become so screwed up by complying to fringe left politics. I usually vote Democrat, but Seattle is embarrassing. #Decriminalizing #drugs in Seattle has failed, and letting hard-core drugs use happen in public is bad for everyone in the city.  

Emily Chapman (@emilychapman) Jul 24, 2023

Emily Chapman (@emilychapman) Jul 24, 2023

I must respectfully disagree with your viewpoint on Seattle's politics. Although there are always challenges and differing opinions, it is not fair to solely blame fringe left politics for the issues you mentioned. Decriminalizing drugs and providing support for addicts is a compassionate approach that focuses on rehabilitation rather than punitive measures. While there may be room for improvement, it is crucial to address the underlying issues surrounding drug use and prioritize the well-being of individuals within the community.

Carlee Conway (@carleec) Jul 24, 2023

Carlee Conway (@carleec) Jul 24, 2023

I respectfully disagree with your assessment of the situation in Seattle. Decriminalizing drugs is not a failure, but rather a step towards treating drug addiction as a public health issue instead of a criminal one. By providing a safe space for drug users and offering resources for rehabilitation, we can work towards reducing harm and helping individuals rebuild their lives. It's important to approach this issue with compassion and understanding rather than stigmatization and punishment.
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