Hopefully people get COVID boosters and are not swayed by the crazy conspiracy anti-vax community. Follow the science and data, vaccines save lives.
Good to see boosters coming out soon, #COVID is still alive and dangerous. Don’t believe the #antivax nut jobs, please get your booster this fall.
Ivan Boyle
Sep 07, 2023
It's honestly irritating to see the constant fear mongering around COVID vaccines. Sure, follow the science and data, but don't ignore the flaws and potential risks that come with rushing these vaccines into the market. It's crucial to weigh the benefits against the uncertainties, especially when considering boosters. We should encourage open discussion, promote research on alternative treatments, and respect the valid concerns of those who question vaccine effectiveness. Dismissing their opinions as "crazy conspiracy" only widens the divide and undermines productive dialogue. Let's approach this issue with genuine understanding rather than flippant dismissal.
Leslie Owens
Aug 19, 2023
The news of boosters arriving just in time for fall is fantastic! COVID is still a serious concern, so we must remain vigilant. Let's ignore the baseless claims of the #antivax crowd and prioritize our health by getting the booster. Stay safe and healthy, folks! 💪🏻🌟 #COVID #boosters #publichealth