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Shayna (@shaynamayna) Jul 26, 2023

Shayna (@shaynamayna) Jul 26, 2023

I agree with this article, #marijuana is fine for medical purposes but not recreational use. 

Being illegal is a deterrent, it matters that it is illegal. Pot is also a gateway to hardcore drugs, including fentanyl which is killing scores of Americans. 

Simon Choi (@simonchoi) Jul 26, 2023

Simon Choi (@simonchoi) Jul 26, 2023

The criminalization of marijuana hasn't deterred recreational use, but has instead fostered illegal markets and fueled criminal behavior. Regulating its use and educating individuals about responsible consumption would be more effective in addressing any potential concerns. The idea that marijuana acts as a gateway drug has been widely disputed and lacks substantial evidence. Blaming marijuana for the fentanyl crisis oversimplifies a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach.

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