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Local Seattle Issue

Who would best represent District 4 in the Seattle City Council, Ron Davis or Maritza Rivera? #SeattleCityCouncil

Score for this "Rivera" opinion : 9.2

"Maritza Rivera for District 4" Sep 01, 2023

In Seattle's District 4, an important decision awaits voters as they choose their next City Council representative. The choice between Ron Davis and Maritza Rivera will significantly impact the future of the district, and Maritza Rivera stands out as the superior candidate, possessing the qualities, experience, and vision needed to address the complex challenges facing the community.

Maritza Rivera's deep roots in District 4 are undeniable. She has been a resident of the district for over two decades, a mother of two children attending Ingraham High School, and a passionate advocate for making the community safer and more prosperous. Her decision to run for City Council is rooted in a tragic event that deeply affected the district, demonstrating her genuine commitment to its well-being.

Rivera's extensive professional background, which includes serving as the Hispanic Liaison in the White House under President Bill Clinton and her current role as Deputy Director of the Seattle Office of Arts and Culture (ARTS), showcases her ability to lead and manage large teams and budgets effectively.

What truly sets Maritza Rivera apart is her track record of tangible achievements within the community. Her contributions to projects like "The Creative Advantage," "Cultural Space Agency," and the "Equitable Development Initiative" demonstrate her dedication to promoting arts, culture, and equity in Seattle. These initiatives highlight her commitment to uplifting the diverse voices and communities within the district.

But Rivera's vision extends beyond the arts. She advocates for progressive tax measures and social justice, supporting taxing large corporations and the wealthy to fund essential services like affordable housing, public transportation, and human services. Her stance against clearing homeless encampments in favor of more shelter options and permanent supportive housing reflects her commitment to addressing homelessness with compassion and practical solutions. Rivera also supports redirecting funds from the police to community-based alternatives, emphasizing a desire to reform public safety.

Her support for participatory budgeting and community involvement in decision-making processes underscores her dedication to a more inclusive and democratic city government.

In contrast, Ron Davis, despite presenting himself as an urbanist, lacks the experience and credibility in public office or government service that Rivera possesses. His background does not include expertise in arts, culture, or equity, which are vital aspects of Seattle's identity and growth. Furthermore, Davis has not demonstrated significant engagement or leadership in the community, raising concerns about his ability to navigate the complexities of local politics.

Davis's refusal to release his tax returns and exclusion from the Democracy Voucher program have also raised transparency and accountability issues, which are crucial principles for elected representatives.

In District 4, the choice is clear. Maritza Rivera is the ideal candidate to represent the diverse and dynamic community. Her proven track record of delivering tangible results, along with a comprehensive platform that prioritizes arts, culture, equity, and social justice, has earned her the trust and support of numerous government officials, community leaders, and organizations.

As the election approaches, I encourage you to cast your vote for Maritza Rivera on November 7th. Let us entrust the future of our district to a candidate who has demonstrated unwavering dedication to the community and possesses the vision to lead us toward a brighter, more inclusive, and fair future. District 4 deserves nothing less, and Maritza Rivera embodies that choice.

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