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Should there be a ban on semiautomatic weapons such as the AR-15? #GunControl

Score for this "Yes" opinion : 8.0

"Ban the AR-15! #GunControl" Aug 10, 2024

Semiautomatic weapons such as the AR-15 should be banned. These weapons are particularly deadly due to their ability to fire multiple rounds quickly and their capacity for large magazines. One particular type of firearm that has garnered much attention in this issue is the semiautomatic weapon, such as the AR-15 rifle. These weapons have been used in several high-profile mass shootings, which is one of the greatest reasons why the ban should be implemented.

Semiautomatic weapons have the potential for causing mass casualties within a short period. The weapons have the potential to fire multiple rounds quickly and have large magazine capacities, making it easier for a shooter to fire rounds without the need to reload. Consequently, they are deadly in mass shooting situations. If these weapons are outlawed, there will be a decline in the number of casualties in mass shootings. Washington, for instance, approved a package of gun control measures – among them the ban on the sale of military-style semiautomatic weapons, becoming one of the states that have joined efforts to stop the distribution of AR-15s together with other guns usually used in mass shootings. According to Governor Jay Inslee, there was no legitimate purpose for these kinds of weapons, and their sole purpose is to claim lives as rapidly as possible in huge numbers.

Banning semiautomatic weapons translates to saving lives. In 2017, 427 mass shootings were witnessed in the United States and over 15,000 people lost their lives in firearm-related cases, while more than 30,000 people got injured. Even though this ban will not entirely eliminate gun violence, it would reduce its likelihood and tens of thousands of lives will be safe. In 1994, President Bill Clinton signed into law the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, which outlawed "semiautomatic weapons" – its definition consisted of 18 different rifles and all guns with two or more military features. The ban could also be strengthened through buybacks of large-capacity firearms and magazines.

There is also a need to ban semiautomatic weapons such as the AR-15 since it will reduce the number of victims of accidental shootings. Firearm owners are more likely to accidentally shoot a member of their family than it is for an intruder. When the number of semiautomatic firearms in circulation is low, there will be a decline in the number of accidental shootings.

A ban on semiautomatic weapons will directly impact the market for the gun industry. Outlawing high-capacity magazines, assault weapons, or both would impact manufacturing, price, as well as potential spillovers from primary and secondary markets. The impact of restricting the production and sales of a class of ammunition or weapons will depend on the relative demand for these items, the modification costs of available types of weapons, close substitutes, and the availability of non-banned weapons to meet the ban requirements. A countrywide ban could also have a great impact on the industry by generating market effects for ancillary firearm companies that manufacture and sell particular gun accessories, replacement parts, as well as specialized precision barrels and magazines used mainly for sport shooting. If the ban were declared in advance, anticipatory purchases could mitigate any effects the law might otherwise have on weapon availability.

The AR-15 used to be illegal under President Bill Clinton's assault weapons ban, which was in effect from 1994 to 2004. The ban restricted the manufacture and sale of the weapons. However, Congress allowed the restrictions to expire a decade later, unable to muster the political support to counter the powerful gun lobby and reinstate the weapons ban. According to the Biden administration, mass shootings decreased for ten years while the ban was in place. “When the ban expired in 2004, mass shootings tripled,” the statement said.

Given the magnitude of the effects of these semiautomatic weapons, such as the AR-15, it is reasonable to conclude that the ban will reduce the number of mass shootings and save lives.

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