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Should crucial #vaccinations be mandatory for everyone in the U.S.? 

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"Mandatory vaccines save kids from #antivax mob" Jul 22, 2024

Healthy people can play a vital role in the stabilization of any country. Conversely, unhealthy people are a strain on the finances of the country and can have severe impacts on the overall well-being of the people. Apart from the economic perspective, it is children that suffer from diseases for their whole life if they fail to get vaccinations in their early years. 

Mandating #vaccinations is one of the best and cheapest ways to make people healthy in the long run. As a matter of fact, vaccination is a preventive solution rather than a reactive one. If all are vaccinated as earliest as possible, no one will be infected with that particular disease again. 

Many times, parents don’t allow health workers to vaccinate their children, putting their lives in danger. With mandating vaccinations, parents will have no authority to stop health officials from vaccinating the children. Same goes with the elderly who are stubborn, as well as people who for various reasons aren't able to make reasonable decisions.   

According to some studies conducted by Journal Pediatrics, more parents than ever today believe that vaccines will not help their children in escaping the disease, so they do not allow vaccination of their children due to their lack of awareness. Conspiracy theories and cultural lag play a crucial role in driving the parents’ decisions to block access of vaccines to their children. For instance, there are pervasive vaccination conspiracy theories all around the world. When polio vaccination emerged on the scene, conspiracy theories started emerging in the third world countries that these vaccines will make the children infertile, and the vaccine is one of the ways to control the growing population of the third world countries. The resistance to the vaccine is often termed as the “Vaccine hesitancy.” The #WorldHealthOrganization has listed this vaccine hesitancy in the top ten global health threats that can have severe consequences on the lives of people all over the world. 

Most of the time, this resistance is shown by anti-vaccine skeptics that alienate the latest technologies. In the second half of the 20th century, the measles vaccine faced significant resistance from many older people who refused to let children in their households get vaccinated. This resulted in the surging cases of the measles later, as many of those who did not get the treatment became infected by the disease.

For the greater societal good, including kids who are not responsible for their parent's horrible decisions, crucial vaccinations should be mandatory for everyone in the U.S.

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