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Thomas Schwartz (@tomschwartz) Aug 22, 2023

Thomas Schwartz (@tomschwartz) Aug 22, 2023

Stop giving subsidies to rich folks from #Hollywood. In New Mexico, we have the highest per capita subsidy on Hollywood filmmaking over any other state, yet we are one of the poorest states in U.S. when it comes to household income. We need better priorities!

Courtney Pacheco (@courtneypacheco) Aug 22, 2023

Courtney Pacheco (@courtneypacheco) Aug 22, 2023

We're talking about the powerhouse that is Hollywood. Their influence and economic impact bring revenue, jobs, and opportunities to states like New Mexico. Cutting subsidies would only hurt our economy and stifle growth. Let's not throw away a thriving industry for the sake of misplaced priorities.

Giselle Kent (@gisellekent) Aug 22, 2023

Giselle Kent (@gisellekent) Aug 22, 2023

Absolutely!! We must redirect subsidies to those who truly need them, driving positive change in our struggling communities.
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